الأربعاء، 20 أبريل 2011

what the revolution taught me...

today i am gonna write about the most amazing and inspiring experience not just in my life but in many others lives "THE REVOLUTION" not only Egyptians or Arabs were inspired by our revolution but the whole world was inspired too.i am gonna speak for my self so,i have to say what the revolution really taught me...-it taught me that if u have a voice then use it,if u have a right then go and ask for it,if u judge people just because of their appearance then...STOP because they could really surprise you and who are you to judge ! ,don't ever be ashamed of who you are or where do u come from,stop caring about what people think because it will lead you to no where,the best way to live your life is by taking risks,no matter what happens never quit or give up or lose hope,tears are not a sign of weakness..it's a sign that you are a human being who feels and sympathizes,never ever be as they always tell us "the person who sees injustice and doesn't speak,is a silent devil" don't be a silent devil,never let fear controls you,never underestimate yourself,always have faith,always believe in your self,if you wanna change something then change it and always believe that no obstacle can get in your way

الاثنين، 4 أبريل 2011

i didn't know Egypt but now i do

my first day ever to join a protest in my life was on 29 January,i went to the street and i joined the protest among with many other people and that day turned out to be one of the best days in my life,for the first time i felt that i am an Egyptian,i have a voice,i have rights and i have an opinion.and i discovered that i didn't knew the Egyptians well,people in the protest were the kindest people i have ever met in my life,they offered me water,biscuits,sweets and asking for nothing in return,they were so polite and very civilized,and they trust each other even if they don't know each other...a women was going to pray so she asked me to hold her purse (her purse that contains her money and everything else) she gave me her back and started to pray and when she finished she turned to me and took the purse and thanked me but i was surprised that the woman doesn't know me yet she trusts me to hold her purse.then people amazed me more with their courage after the police disappeared from the streets,the people collected each other and made shifts to protect homes and public buildings and they also started organizing traffic.i felt that Egyptians felt for the first time that this country is their country so after the revolution,they went to clean the streets children,teens,adults and even old men.and i knew now that i didn't know Egypt well these past few years until now

Egypt's revolution

for so long we have been hearing about the french revolution and the Russian revolution but on January 25 2011 we heard about the Egyptian revolution one of the best peaceful revolutions in the world,millions of Egyptians went to the streets and for the first time from thirty years they demanded their right and the said NO to injustice,to decisiveness,to inequality and to dictatorship.and their demands came true they made the dictator (Mubarak) resign after killing hundreds of them but the people won and got what they wanted but personally i don't think our revolution is over yet because it won't be until justice is truly served and we vanish every single dictator in our country.one last thing i have never been prouder to be an Egyptian 

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